If you’ve ever lived in South Florida, or anywhere where the temperatures are more warm than cold, you’ve likely had a problem with ants at one time or another. Some people flee street level apartments and condos in hope that 4th or 14th or 34th floor living will render this creepy crawly a non-factor, but the truth is, ants can get to you no matter where you live. Often times, ants invade your living space for no apparent reason, and they can get all over everything. Short of calling an ant control service, here are some things you can do to help prevent the presence of ants in your home.

First off, identify how the ants are getting into your home. Even the newest and best made homes have cracks and holes in them that can act like a siren song to a hungry hill of ants. They will often come in, look around and see if there are any threats about before calling in all of their friends for a party. If you close off their way into your home, than you’ve taken a first good step in the fight against ants, but don’t think that one step will solve the problem for good.

Next, you want to see where they are going. What is attracting them into your home. Although this isn’t always the case, many ants are attracted by crumbs or food that is left out. This is why it is so important to clean your dishes right away after you are done eating. Dishes left in the sink overnight can act like a magnet to ants. Pest control folks will tell you if you remove the bait, the ants will lose interest and find an easier meal somewhere else.

Pros with Brevard County ant control services will also recommend either setting traps along the trails that you’ve seen ants take or to set out scents that ants can’t stand. Things like vinegar, cloves, bay leaves, peppermint oil and even cinnamon can make ants turn around and hightail it out of town. Of course there are sprays and chemical traps you can use, as well. The quickest way to treat an ant infestation is to call your local pest control expert. Not only will they treat the infestation, but they’ll give you tips on how to avoid problems in the future. No one likes ants but there are things you can do to minimize their impact on your life.