The fall and winter seasons in Florida are absolutely beautiful. Sure, you do not quite get those brilliant colors the Northeast does, but you get something much better, a hint of cool that is so refreshing after the heat of summer. While many people around the country work to do what they can to help their lawns ease into the dormant season, fall and winter in Florida is the perfect time for your lawn to shine. These tips can help.
- Mow less. In the summer, you can probably set your watch by the time that you need to mow each week, but that’s just not the case as the cooler weather sets in. Instead, your grass is going to grow far less quickly, so you may only need to mow once every other week. You may also want to change the time each day that you mow, as if you move toward mid-day, you’re going to create less stress on your grass. If you’ve been mowing in the same pattern all summer, change things up a bit to make sure you don’t get ruts.
- Water more. You may see the rain levels start to drop off a bit, so it’s time to do some irrigation on your own. If the color of your grass begins to change slightly, it’s absolutely time to water. If it looks good, and we’ve had a recent rain, go ahead and wait until things dry out to water. Don’t water too close to evening or morning, though, as those colder temps could hurt your grass.
- Fertilize. You should be fertilizing your grass twice a year, and fall is one of those times. Be sure you water after you apply the fertilizer, and select a type that’s going to work well for your lawn.
You can have a great looking lawn, and the right residential lawn care service can help. Learn more about Slug-A-Bug’s lawn care offerings by contacting us today.