A tug here, a tug there. A backache here, a sunburn there. Pulling those summer weeds is a hassle in more ways than one, but a beautiful lawn always comes with weed problems like these, doesn’t it? Not exactly. With tips like these, your lawn could stay weed free all summer.
- Start Early!
The sooner you start your summer weed control program, the better. If your lawn seems a bit thin in the early spring or late fall, you may want to overseed it with a higher quality grass seed. You want something that is disease and insect resistant. The thicker your grass, the less likely you are to have weed problems later.
- Water Deeply! If you’re watering lightly each day, you’re not encouraging the strong root system that is an absolute must to help keep those weeds out. If you just depend on quick little rains or watering a few minutes a day to make sure your lawn has enough water, though, you’re helping the weeds sprout. Instead, give it a solid watering a few times per week. It means stronger roots and the worst possible conditions for weeds.
- Get Help! Why should you fight the summer weeds on your own? You could have a team of professionals ready to help eliminate weeds in an instant. With the right knowledge and tools on their side, the right lawn care service can do wonders for your summer weed elimination program.
When you’re ready to get a bit of added help to get rid of your summer weeds, give us a call. We’ll develop the right plan for your lawn, giving you the advantage and completing eliminating that sunburn and headache problem. Learn more about our lawn care services and how we can help create amazing curb appeal for your property now!