Arachnophobia may affect less than 10 percent of the world’s population, but that’s just because most people don’t know any better. Right? Well, not necessarily…but Florida IS home to several species of venomous spiders that everyone – arachnophobes or not – should learn to identify and avoid.
There are two main categories of dangerous spiders to be on the lookout for: widow and recluse spiders. Both of these varieties of spiders are known to take up residence in Florida, and both are venomous. Widow spiders – so named for the females’ penchant for killing the males – are known for their shiny, round abdomens that often contain red markings. They have long, thin legs and like to hide in corners, especially in places where human traffic is low. Recluse spiders are brown and typically have a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their backs. These spiders, unlike widow spiders, leave their webs in search of prey, so it can be more likely for people to encounter a recluse.
Both widow and recluse spiders attack when they feel threatened, such as when they are trapped next to a person’s skin with no escape. Once bitten, a person will begin to notice symptoms anywhere from immediately to several hours afterward. With both types of spider, severe pain is the first symptom to appear, followed by muscle cramping, nausea and vomiting with widow spiders, and swelling and blistering with recluses. Necrotic symptoms may also appear, and this is where the skin around the bite is dying and turns purple or black.
Sounds pretty awful, right? We think so too. Which is why spiders – and especially venomous ones – are best left to people are better equipped to handle them. A professional pest control service can eradicate your dangerous spider problem, leaving your home free of these creepy crawlies and allowing you to rest a little easier at night knowing that necropsy isn’t in your near future.