The warmth of summer is closing in fast, and that can only mean one thing – it’s time to start being concerned about ticks. The more often you’re outside to enjoy the beauty and warmth of a Florida summer, the more likely you are to be plagued by these pests. Given the number of diseases they can carry, remaining vigilant about the problem is an absolute must.
What To Watch For
There are four main types of ticks in the state, and understanding what you may be dealing with is an absolute must. The brown dog tick is primarily found on dogs. In the southwest, it’s a carrier for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The American dog tick is often found on dogs, too, but it will also attach to other mammals, including humans. This one is usually an outdoor pest, and the adults are everywhere from March to September. The worst part about this type of tick is that it can cause paralysis in both dogs and children if it attaches to the base of the skull. The paralysis, though, is typically temporary, as once the tick is removed, it reverses itself. The lone star tick is most commonly associated with biting humans in Florida. It’s also the easiest of the four to recognize. The females have a light dot on their back. They can transmit a number of conditions, and the peak season for adults is in July. The final type of tick you may want to know about is the Gulf Coast tick. It’s larger than the American dog tick, but looks a lot like it. Adults are usually found on large mammals.
Your Next Step
Ticks have to feed for a number of hours to transmit any kind of disease, so early identification is important. You can keep ticks to a minimum in your yard by clearing brush and mowing on a regular basis. If you’re worried you might have a problem with ticks in your yard this year, contact our outdoor pest control experts now. Tick problems are simply a reality for many people in Florida, but Slug-A-Bug pest control can help. Contact us in Melbourne, FL today at 321-259-7844 for assistance with outdoor pest control.