The night is perfect: the campfire is crackling, the crickets are chirping, and the conversation is buzzing. So why is everyone slapping and scratching themselves all over? It seems that your perfect evening has been interrupted by mosquitoes. But not to worry, here are some tips for getting rid of these uninvited guests.
Eliminate Water
Nothing attracts mosquitoes quite like a pool of standing water. The more standing water that you can eliminate from your surroundings, the less likely mosquitoes are to show up in the first place. Look for any low-lying areas on the ground where pools of water may form. Even if those areas are dry at the moment, mosquitoes may be breeding there when it does rain. Even sources such as bird baths, decorative ponds, or rain-catch barrels can attract mosquitoes if they aren’t cleaned regularly.
Mow the Lawn Regularly
Moisture can be trapped in grass when it hasn’t been mowed for some time. Mowing your grass regularly can keep mosquitoes from nestling into your lawn.
Plant Power
While long grass may attract mosquitoes, there are some plants that are natural deterrents for them, so many homeowners choose to keep them around their property to keep mosquitoes at bay. Marigolds, lemongrass, garlic, rosemary, and scented geraniums are some of the most commonly used plants for this purpose.
Naturally, especially if you’re in a location that you don’t own, wearing long sleeves and pants when enjoying the outdoors limits skin exposure. Even if you’re near mosquitoes, they are far less likely to bite you if they can’t reach the skin.
Mosquitoes are not especially strong fliers, so even a small fan on a low setting is an easy enough way to keep them from coming too close.
Bug Spray
While many people dislike bug spray because of the odor or feel of it, use it if you are in an area where mosquitoes may carry harmful diseases. Just be sure to keep the bug spray away from your eyes, nose, or mouth. Some bug sprays can be harmful if ingested.
Follow these simple guidelines, and soon your perfect outdoor party will be mosquito-free once more. If you continue to have trouble with mosquitoes, don’t hesitate to call us in right away. Call Slug-A-Bug today for a free evaluation 321-259-7844.