Wheel bugs are quite awesome. We know, we know, we’re a pest control company, we’re supposed to tell you all bugs are evil and need to be eradicated. But part of being a really good pest control company, is knowing when bugs truly are pests, and which bugs are helpful.
So what is a wheel bug and is it helpful or harmful? Wheel bugs in Florida are a great way to help control other pests. Now, these bugs might look a little scary since they’re up to 1.5 inches long. And if your children see them & get a little scared, just tell them wheel bugs’ other name: assassin bugs. Wheel bugs are a type of assassin bug, so called because they wait in ambush to assassinate their prey.
Do not worry though, wheel bugs in your garden are often considered a wonderful gift. This is because they will eat up other pests at a rapid rate, protecting your garden from other invaders who would chew through your plants. Wheel bugs themselves won’t eat your plants. For this reason, they’re considered a great organic solution for cutting down on pesticides. Wheel bugs have been introduced to a range of gardens and crops to help control pest populations.
If wheel bugs are present in your garden, congratulations are in order because it typically means you have a very healthy garden. They do not frequent unhealthy gardens or environments that don’t appear as if they will be sustained long. However, they also can be introduced in order to make a garden more healthy.
This comes with a caveat. Wheel bugs in Florida should generally be left alone to their own devices. They will bite if they feel threatened and the bite can be incredibly painful. The bite isn’t dangerous, but the pain is severe. Make sure your children know not to handle them.
And also more good new is that there is really no reason that a wheel bug would come inside your home. They won’t want to and it’s almost unheard of for them to do so. If they do, contact us but in general, they should happily stay in the garden.