In Florida, centipede pest control is nothing short of an absolute must. These little creatures absolutely love damp spaces, like your cellar, your bathroom, and your closets, and while they’re not actually harmful, seeing fifteen pairs of legs and a long flat creature scurrying across your bathroom floor in the middle of the night really is a scary event. So, how do you get rid of centipedes in your house for good? Centipede pest control tips will help.

  • Dehumidify: Centipedes look for moist spaces, and it’s easy for a home in Florida to be that moist space. If you think it’s time to lower the humidity level in your home, consider a whole home system. It may just help you dump the centipedes while you’re at it.
  • Seal Everything: Centipedes probably aren’t ringing your doorbell and asking to come in. Instead, they’re finding their own way in through spots that aren’t well sealed. Look for spaces in the siding or near the windows and doors that aren’t sealed. Caulk will help you eliminate those points of entry and keep the centipedes out.
  • Clean Indoors: Centipedes lay their eggs where they live in your home – the basement, behind baseboards, the damp closet on the first floor. Make sure you clean those areas thoroughly, going as far as vacuuming them to eliminate any eggs they’ve laid.
  • Outdoor Clean Up: Creating centipede habitats outside your home may encourage them to come in, so make certain that you aren’t inviting them to live on your property either. If you have stacks of wood, leaf litter, or even a compost heap near your home, you might be issuing an invitation for a centipede infestation. 

Centipedes are a part of life in Florida, and while house centipedes aren’t typically dangerous, it’s better to keep them out than have them in. To learn more about centipede pest removal or to have your home checked for an infestation, contact us today at 321-259-7844 .