You’ll never see them coming, but once you get a bite, you’ll know they were there. No See Ums are one of the worst Florida pests because their bite far outweighs their tiny size. Fortunately, a good outdoor pest control plan can actually help you deal with these biting pests, leaving your yard a place you want to be instead of a place you want to get bitten.
What Are No See Ums?
No See Ums are a tiny fly. In some places, they’re called biting midges. They get their unique name from their diminutive size, as adults only grow to be 1/8 of an inch in length. They’re gray, and if you look at them under a magnifying glass, you’ll see that their wings are covered in tiny hairs. They usually feed on plant nectar, but as with mosquitoes, females need a blood meal to produce their eggs, which leads to that pesky bite so many Floridians find annoying. The larvae look like tiny caterpillars, and after they hatch, they go through four different stages. Once they reach adulthood, they live for two to seven weeks.
Why Are They in My Backyard?
While No See Ums are a pest problem throughout the United States, they love both the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. In fact, there are 47 different species in the state of Florida. Eggs are laid in moist soil, which makes them a natural to this area. Like mosquitoes, they need standing water to breed, and if your home has areas that don’t drain well, you may see more of these pests than your neighbors. They also eat nectar, so if you have the perfect combination of a great garden and standing water, you’re absolutely going to have an issue in your yard.
What Now?
Fortunately, you don’t have to put up with this pest. With one call, we’ll help you eliminate your current problem and offer you the suggestions you need to help dump their breeding grounds on your property and live in your outdoor space without No See Ums. To learn more, contact us today.