Drain flies are a common bathroom nuisance. They’re tiny, no larger than an eighth of an inch long. They have a light gray or a tan body color and their wings are a lighter color. They look fuzzy because their bodies and wings have long hairs on them. When they are sitting still, they fold their wings over their body.
Active at night, drain flies feed on sewage and other organic materials. Thankfully, they don’t bite. But these insects reproduce rapidly, in as little time as 48 hours, so you can see populations explode in short order.
Even though these pests eat decaying material and lay their eggs in it, they’re not considered dangerous in terms of spreading disease.
The biggest sign that you have drain flies is when you see them congregating on your bathroom walls or somewhere close to their breeding materials. It is also possible to see their larvae wriggling inside the breeding matter — obviously, not a pleasant sight.
If you start seeing drain flies in abundance, pick up your phone and call pest control services. When Slug-A-Bug comes to take a look at your drain flies, a technician can recommend the best solution for getting rid of them. They will also work with you on a plan to keep them away.