Floridians know how tough it can be to maintain a nice, green lawn all year long. The upkeep required during the hot summer months is too much for some homeowners. Because of this, many are opting for these grass alternatives for some parts of their lawns.


Succulents are plants with thick, hearty skins that retain water within. Succulents do well in the harsher Florida climate and are quite beautiful. They require little care and are not particular about where they are planted. Some of the more familiar succulents include cactus, aloe, jade, agave and yucca. If you are going for a more floral feel, take a look at the rosette-shaped echeveria, sedums and sempervivum. These succulents are available in many shapes, sizes, and hues, providing a handsome alternative to your traditional lawn. 

Rock gardens and hardscapes

A rock garden adds a decorative element to any landscape and requires minimal, if any, effort to maintain. Installation is almost as easy as upkeep. Just remove the sod, lay down landscaping fabric, close in with landscaping trim, and add the rocks. Additional hardscape options include patio stones, paved walkways, gravel, fountains, fire pits and more. Line your hardscapes with sculptures and potted flowers to add color and texture without the fuss of planting. Let your imagination run wild with possibilities. 

Creeping perennials and low-growing plants

There are many varieties of ground-hugging plants that make excellent substitutions for traditional sod. Creeping perennials and low-growing plants offer lawn cover with no need for mowing. They have a nice fragrance to boot. Vinca, creeping Jenny, perennial peanut and thyme are just a handful of options to consider. These ground covers prove to be drought tolerant, making them Florida-friendly.


If you have a larger property, installing a rock garden or succulent patch might be a little overwhelming. The solution for you might be as simple as wildflowers. This gorgeous no-mow option is weather tolerant and takes next to no effort to maintain. Establishing a lush lawn of wildflowers may take a couple of years, but if you have the patience, it is well worth the wait. 

Edible forest gardens and vegetable gardens

Perhaps the most productive alternative landscaping option is to cultivate an edible garden. Edible forest gardens and vegetable gardens provide a rewarding replacement for standard sod. Edible forests are food-bearing trees and plants that mimic a natural forest ecosystem and require little care once established. Consisting of shrubs, ground covers, and trees, the plants in an edible forest work together to thrive. Alternatively, a vegetable garden typically consists of raised beds with rows of plants to be harvested each season. Only you can decide which edible garden is right for you.

Keep in mind all of these creative alternatives will still require some care when it comes to combating weeds and outdoor pests. If you decide you’d like to continue wiggling your toes in the grass or replace it with something less finicky, you can rely on the experts at Slug-A-Bug to take care of your property’s needs. Using state-of-the-art equipment and high-quality, environmentally responsible materials, we’ll keep your yard healthy and happy. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation assessment. Call (321) 259-7844.

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