A well-manicured lawn not only enhances the beauty of your outdoor space but also reflects the pride you take in your home. One often overlooked, yet crucial, aspect of achieving a polished and refined lawn is mastering the art of edging.

Why edging matters

Edging is more than just a finishing touch; it’s a landscaping technique that creates clean lines and distinct borders. Proper edging not only contributes to the aesthetic appeal of your lawn but also serves practical purposes. It helps prevent grass from encroaching into flower beds, sidewalks, and driveways, resulting in a neater and more organized outdoor space.

Tools of the trade

Before delving into the edging process, it’s essential to have the right tools at your disposal. A good pair of edging shears or a power edger can make the job more efficient. Additionally, consider using a string trimmer for maintenance between edging sessions.

Steps for perfect edging

  1. Mark your borders: Begin by clearly defining the edges of your lawn. Use garden stakes or a hose to outline the areas that need edging. This step ensures a consistent and well-planned outcome.

  2. Choose the right depth: Adjust your edging tool to the appropriate depth, typically between 1 to 2 inches. This depth is sufficient to create a noticeable edge without causing harm to the roots.

  3. Trimming technique: When using manual edging shears, take your time and use a steady hand. For power edgers, move slowly along the marked borders, allowing the tool to do the work. Keep a straight line for a professional finish.

  4. Cleanup: Remove any excess grass and debris from the freshly edged areas. A clean edge enhances the visual impact and prevents overgrowth.

  5. Regular maintenance: Edging is not a one-time task. To maintain the defined borders, make edging a part of your regular lawn maintenance routine. Frequency may vary based on the growth rate of your grass.

Additional tips

  • Consider using a physical barrier, such as bricks or stones, along the edges to create a long-lasting and visually appealing border.

  • Experiment with different edging styles, such as curved or diagonal lines, to add a touch of creativity to your lawn design.

  • Edge after mowing for a seamless and cohesive look.


Mastering the art of edging is a small investment that yields significant returns in the overall appearance of your lawn. You’ll not only enhance the beauty of your outdoor space but also showcase a level of care and attention that sets your lawn apart. Incorporate edging into your lawn care routine, and enjoy the benefits of a neatly defined and visually striking landscape.

Remember, Slug-A-Bug can provide you with state-of-the-art lawn care services. You can enjoy a lawn free of the weeds and insects that cause so much damage. Call us at (321) 259-7844 for a free assessment.