Caption: Participating in a recent Spoil Island cleanup are (from left) John Quarterman (Chrissy Gagnon’s dad), John Gagnon, and two unnamed volunteers who are military vets.

Pest Control Technology, one of the industry’s premier trade publications, showcased Slug-A-Bug’s ongoing cleanup efforts on its adopted Spoil Island. It provided background into the company efforts first coordinated by Chrissy Gagnon, pest control route manager, and her husband, John, corporate operations coordinator.

How it all started

The article quoted John recounting how the work began: “Chrissy said, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if we invited some people from work.’ I told her, ‘I’m going to one up you and ask [Slug-A-Bug President] Steve [Lum] if he would sort of be a sponsor.’ Before I even had a chance to finish pitching Steve the idea, he said yes.”

Since then, Slug-A-Bug has organized regular cleanup excursions on Spoil Island BC47. It’s one of many ways the pest-control company encourages employees to volunteer for the betterment of the community.

A collaborative effort

The cleanup team has been collaborating with Friends of the Spoil Islands, an organization committed to preserving these picturesque, human-made islands scattered throughout the Indian River lagoon. They are the result of dredging that took place from 1951 to 1961.

The popularity of these islands draws visitors and campers. Along with them comes trash they leave behind, which the team removes during its cleanup trips.

Other community support efforts

Pest Control Technology also listed several organizations that Slug-A-Bug support through funding and volunteer efforts, such as Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, the Children’s Hunger Project and Family Promise of Brevard.