Wasps can ruin your best afternoon on the patio in a hurry. Whether they’ve managed to form a nest or you’re just afraid one will fly up and sting you, they’re a serious nuisance when you’re trying to make the most of your outdoor living space. How can you keep wasps away? These tips can help.
What Is a Wasp?
It may help to learn a bit more about what wasps are, first. Wasps are stinging insects that have slender bodies and narrow waists. Bees tend to be far heavier. They build nests in protected areas, like under the eaves of your home or even in the ground. They’re almost constantly on the lookout for new homes. Unlike honeybees, wasps can sting a person multiple times, and they tend to be quite aggressive in nature. You may want to find a few pictures of wasps online so you can identify the problem pest in your yard.
What You Can Do To Keep Them At Bay
If you want to keep wasps out of your yard, there are actually a number of steps you can take. Start by removing food from the area or at least covering it so they won’t be attracted to the space. Cover any trash cans you have outside, and think carefully about placement of nectar or bird food in your outdoor living space. You’ll also want to keep up on the home maintenance. Broken siding and gaps in the soffits make great wasp hideouts. Finally, if you’re having a fairly serious issue with wasps in your backyard, give us a call. We can help come up with a plan to keep them away and deal with the ones who may have already infested your space.
Make summer fun again! Let us help you keep wasps away from your yard.