Dragonflies are swarming Florida, particularly along its coastal regions. The insects are drawn to areas with abundant water sources, which provide ideal breeding grounds and ample food supply. The recent increase in rainfall has led to a surge in dragonfly populations, making their presence more noticeable along Florida beaches.

Benefits of dragonflies

Dragonflies offer significant ecological benefits, primarily through pest control. They are voracious predators, consuming large quantities of mosquitoes, gnats, and other small, harmful insects. This natural predation helps reduce the populations of these pests, decreasing the spread of mosquito-borne diseases and lessening the nuisance of biting insects.

Life cycle of dragonflies

Dragonflies undergo a complex life cycle that includes the following stages:

Eggs: Female dragonflies lay eggs in or near water.

Nymphs: The eggs hatch into aquatic nymphs, which live underwater for several months to years, depending on the species. During this time, they are formidable predators of other aquatic organisms.

Adults: After undergoing several molts, nymphs emerge from the water and transform into adult dragonflies. Adults are agile fliers and continue to hunt smaller insects throughout their relatively short lifespan, which typically lasts a few weeks to several months.

Ancient insects

Dragonflies are among the oldest and most primitive insects, having existed for over 300 million years. Their enduring presence and ecological roles highlight their importance in maintaining environmental balance.

Inviting them to your property

To attract dragonflies to your property, start by adding a water feature such as a pond, as dragonflies thrive near water. Ensure the pond has floating vegetation and plants along the edges to provide perching sites and areas for females to lay their eggs. Additionally, having a variety of plants around your garden will attract insects that dragonflies prey on, making your property more appealing to them.

Once they take up residence, you can start reaping the benefits of their appetite for nuisance insects.

Slug-A-Bug gets rid of pests, too

Remember, Slug-A-Bug, gets rid of unwanted insects, too. If you have a problem with termites, ants, roaches, silverfish or other pests, call us at (321) 259-7844 for a free consultation.