What are some effective ways of keeping bees away from your home and garden? There are many kinds of bees, and they all respond differently. We’ll start with a few easier things you can do on your own, but the most effective steps are those that may require a bee pest control plan with an expert:

  1. If you find an empty gallery burrowed into wood, you can plug it up. Wood-boring bees will re-use galleries like this.
  2. There are some scents that have shown effectiveness in keeping bees away from your home. These include catnip essential oil, spearmint, peppermint, and cloves. The jury’s still out on just how effective they are, and you shouldn’t use any of these with babies or toddlers around.
  3. Alternately, keeping spearmint plants around may be useful. Keep it in pots or planters because it can spread wildly and cause problems.
  4. Insect repellent isn’t useful, but there are commercial bee repellents. We advise caution in using these. Only use the kind with the EPA-approved logo. Other kinds may not be safe to use around people of any age.
  5. The most effective form of bee pest control is simple observation. Know where they live and whether they pose a threat. There are thousands of species of bees, so don’t assume you can identify them. Bring in an expert who can identify and implement safe bee hive removal.
  6. Keeping bees away from your home through bee hive removal is not something you should try on your own. If you misidentify a species and it turns out to be more dangerous than you thought, you put your own life at risk as well as that of nearby family and neighbors. Africanized honey bees are extremely aggressive, will respond in the thousands, will pursue you at least a quarter mile (stinging the whole way), and have killed many.
  7. Professional bee pest control is your best bet. We can identify bees accurately and respond with an effective plan that’s safe for you, your family, and your pets. Bee hive removal can be done swiftly and before they cause any harm. The key is to minimize risk to you and your family. That means utilizing expert help.

For more information on Slug-A-Bug’s bee control and removal, contact us today.