You can take care of your home, treat it well, and do everything right. And yet: if a termite swarm invades your house, you can be fighting to keep your home standing. Having a Fall termite treatment plan is important. They’re one of the key elements of Florida termite control. The best termite treatments in Florida take into account how the termites are getting into your home and focus on eliminating the queen.

Fall Termite Treatment

With the Fall comes plenty of rain. This increases termite danger in two ways. Termites tend to swarm after a rain. Conditions are best for them at this point. Swarmers pair together and then search for a place to build a colony. Their wings will drop off and then they’ll mate in this new location. That could be your home, a garage, a shed, nearby damaged wood, the list goes on.

Moisture also increases risk because moisture seeping into wood means damaged wood. This is the kind of wood that termites can make very quick work of. It also keeps them in contact with moisture farther away from their colonies.

Florida Termite Control

This makes Fall an ideal time for swarming. Florida termite control must make use of a precise and scientific solution like Termidor. Think about it this way: if you have termites in your home and you just start spraying isolated areas, you’ll only spread the termites out and drive them farther throughout your home.

At the same time, you can’t burrow into the ground and start spraying the nest – it’s literally underground, underneath your foundation.

Termidor works in a much more exacting way. This is what makes it the best termite treatment in Florida. The ingredient in Termidor is carried by termites themselves. They bring it back into their colonies and to their queen. It begins to break down the entire colony from the inside out. It eliminates the termites starting with the queen.

How to Start Termite Treatment

How do you start the process of eliminating termites from your home? Call for an inspection first. This can assess what is damaging your home – is it termites or another wood-destroying pest? What kind of termites? How many? What routes are they using to get into your home?

The answers to these questions reveal the precise treatment that will be used to get things back to normal. Strategies for a Fall termite treatment can vary from home to home, too. Different homes will require different strategies for the most efficient and quickest-acting effect. It also requires expertise and analysis of termite behavior. Termidor is an ideal solution because it’s child-safe and pet-safe. It can be used in family homes in a very safe way.

Florida termite control is crucial. A queen termite can lay up to 30,000 eggs per day. Initial minor damages can turn into irreversible structural damage in a matter of months.

Contact Slug-A-Bug today to schedule a termite inspection in your home.