Anytime there’s rain in Florida, you’ll see termites follow. This is because damp soil brings the termites out of the ground. They swarm, mate, and settle down. The main Subterranean termite swarming season is spring, but a lesser swarming season will happen in the Fall. This happens alongside the main swarming season for drywood termites. This makes Fall termite treatment crucial before the pests get a foothold in your home. Florida termite control depends on solutions like the Termidor termite treatment that eliminates whole colonies.

Act on Termites Fast

If you develop a termite infestation, you cannot wait before solving it. Termites can be destructive to a home’s very foundations, and they’ll just cause increasing, more costly damage as time goes by. Florida termite control is a must if you even suspect an infestation.

Spot treatments are not good solutions for termites because these don’t address the colony itself. A termite queen can lay up to 30,000 eggs in a day, so if you spot treat 100 or so here or there, it won’t make a difference. Just as importantly, spot treatments will drive termites to other areas of the home. It will cause them to spread further throughout the home, into areas that are difficult to access.

Wood Destroying Organism Report

If you do suspect an infestation, the first step is to get an inspection. You can have a full Wood Destroying Organism inspection, which gives you a Florida WDO report. It’s a good preventative measure to have these inspections regularly even if you don’t see signs of an infestation. This inspection will seek out any wood destroying pest. You may see wood damage and suspect a termite, but it could be ants, post powder beetles, carpenter bees, or another pest causing damage. A termite treatment won’t help solve a beetle problem, for instance, so narrowing down the culprit is essential.

How Termidor Works

Once this is done, if termites are found, you’ll need a Fall termite treatment. The best termite treatments in Florida are Termidor termite treatments. When termites come into contact with Termidor, they carry it back to the termite colony. If the Termidor termite treatment were to work too fast, termites would die before reaching the colony. If it worked too slow, the treatment wouldn’t be as effective as it should be. This is why Termidor is researched to have a very specific rate of action. Termites have time to spread it throughout their colony, including to the queen, so that the entire colony is eliminated rather than only a portion of it.

The Fastest, Most Complete Treatment

This is what makes the best termite treatments in Florida effective. Complete elimination of a colony takes place in 3 months or less. Termidor termite treatment thoroughness means it is is up to 6 times faster than traditional bait systems. It’s the best solution for Florida termite control, especially when you’re looking at a Fall termite treatment that needs to start solving the problem now.

Contact Slug-A-Bug to schedule a termite evaluation today.