Did you know that a house mouse will eat absolutely any type of food you will? Mice pest control is a pretty serious issue, and if you allow them to nest in your home, you may not only experience property damage issues, but health problems too. While there are several different types of mice in Florida, your best bet is to take a closer look at these three mouse control tips now to get rid of mice in your house forever.

1. Work From the Outside In

The best thing you can do is to ensure that mice can’t get into your house initially. To do that, make sure all of your doors and windows fit tightly. You should have screens on all of your windows. Take a look at the outside of your house too. If you see any holes in the walls or gaps in the siding or foundation, close them with steel wool or mesh and seal it with caulk or a similar material. Additionally, make sure you keep your lawn short and any thick brush cut to a minimum within a hundred feet of your home. Firewood should be stored as far from your house as possible.

2. All Food Must Be Sealed

The second step is to cut off a mouse’s ability to eat while it’s in your house. That means sealing all of your food inside plastic containers. Don’t leave pet food out overnight, and make sure you store it in a heavy plastic container with a tight fitting lid. All of your food should be sealed tightly too. Use plastic containers for most items. If you leave fruit on the counter, store them in a metal mesh bowl with a lid. Even stuck on food left on dishes in the sink makes a good meal for a mouse, so make sure that all of your dishes are well-rinsed or stored in the dishwasher.

3. Move Fast

The third step is to make sure you handle the situation as quickly as possible. If you spot evidence of mice in your home, call a professional immediately. Remember that mice can reproduce fairly quickly, so while you may just have a small problem in the beginning, you could have a really big problem on your hands if you don’t take care of it immediately. As soon as you see a house mouse or mouse droppings (which is the more likely scenario) phone a pest control professional to help you handle the problem.

No matter what type of mice you’re dealing with, or how long you’ve been fighting the problem, we can help. Give us a call today to learn more about mouse control.