Roof rats are a serious problem in Florida. Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent roof rats and the problems they bring. These tips for roof rats pest control can help.

  • Think Food: Roof rats are likely coming into your yard initially because you are providing them a food supply. One good step toward roof rats control is to eliminate that food supply. Pick all of the fruit from any fruit or nut trees you have, even if it’s not ripe. Make sure you don’t have any fallen fruit in your yard either. Fruit trees tend to come into contact with other trees and even the eaves of your home, and that can lead to a solid food source (and a way into your home) for roof rats. You also shouldn’t leave any pet food out. Make sure your garbage cans have locking lids that will keep rats out. If you fill bird feeders daily, you may want to stop that practice as well.
  • Keep Your Lawn Clean: Roof rats initially are looking for a good place to hide and live, and your yard may be providing that, even if you don’t realize it. Make sure you rake regularly under your trees and shrubs. Prune your fruit trees so the ground beneath them is visible. If you have a wood pile, keep it at least eighteen inches off of the ground, and don’t store it next to your home.

Many people believe they can get rid of roof rats on their own, but the reality is that if you already have an infestation on your hands, the chances are good that you’re not going to be able to deal with it on your own. Instead, contact the roof rats pest control professionals at Slug-A-Bug to handle it so you can eliminate the problem and keep your home safe.