It strikes terror into the hearts of homeowners everywhere – a mouse dropping on the kitchen counter. Wondering why it’s so scary? It can only mean one thing – you have a serious house mouse problem.  What’s the best kind of mice pest control? How can you make sure you never see another mouse dropping on your kitchen counter again? These tips can help.

Understand the Types of Mice in Florida

Florida plays host to a number of different kinds of mice that would love to invade your home for a quick snack. Florida mice are pretty common, but they don’t typically come inside. They tend to live in the scrub-brush or on a sandy beach. Field mice are far more likely to come inside and make themselves at home. Keep in mind, though, that mice aren’t the only type of rodents Floridians face. Rats are also common in the state, and that means you need to ensure you have a mouse issue instead of something more serious.

Mouse Proof Your House

Keep mice out of your home by sealing any potential entry points. If you have gaps in your siding or cracks in your foundation, be sure to seal them immediately. You’ll also want to make sure your windows and doors fit tightly. Additionally, store all of your food in plastic containers. If you keep pet food in your home, you’ll want to make certain that is sealed well, too. Don’t leave your pet’s bowl out overnight, either, as that will make a perfect meal for a mouse.

Call in Professional Help

Sometimes your best bet to get rid of mice is to call in professional help. A professional pest control expert will help you identify trouble spots and eliminate the mouse colony that may be spreading in your house now. To learn more about how we can help, give us a call at Slug-A-Bug today.