There are few things quite as terrifying to homeowners as wood-destroying insects, and carpenter bees are one of those. They can do quite a bit of damage to your home before you even notice they’re drilling into your eaves or deck. Left to do their work long enough, and they could destabilize an entire structure, which makes preventing carpenter bees that much more important.

A Few Tips

Hope you never see a carpenter bee? You’re not alone. Carpenter bee control is best achieved through prevention. There are a few things you can do to keep them out. First, make sure that any unfinished wood you have is painted. This includes places like your deck, any outdoor buildings you have or any furniture. If you have any exterior openings, ensure they’re sealed with caulk. This includes cracks or crevices. Fascia boards should be wrapped on three sides in vinyl or aluminum to help with preventing carpenter bees.

Do You Already Have a Carpenter Bee Issue?

You’ll be able to tell if you have a problem If you have large black and yellow bees hovering around the eaves around your deck or the eaves of your home. You may also hear them. They’re literally chewing the wood, and you may hear them doing just that in the infested areas. You might find sawdust, too. When they create a tunnel, they push sawdust, also called frass, out on the ground, so you might see it surrounding the area where they’re nested. The holes they’ve created are another pretty common sign that you have a problem.

Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

Need to get rid of carpenter bees instead of preventing them? Contact us today for help! We’ll not only ensure your pest infestation is completely eliminated, but we’ll show you how to keep it from happening in the future.