Have you seen the Netflix film 1922? If you have, you likely noticed several stars throughout the film that played a pretty important role – the rats. In fact, animal trainers ended up using 200 rats for the film, and the scenes of them crawling over each other are enough to scare anyone. Unfortunately, rats don’t just appear on the big screen. In fact, hundreds of Florida homeowners enlist the help of roof rat removal pest control companies every year to get rid of these disgusting creatures.

Do I Have Roof Rats?

Noticing an infestation doesn’t just mean that you’ve seen a rat. They’re nocturnal, and that means you may not see one. Instead, you’re likely to notice many other problems before you notice the rats themselves. The first thing you’re likely to notice is the droppings. They’re about a half-inch in length, and they have pointed ends.

Beyond that, you may see grease trails or marks along the bottoms of your walls where they travel throughout your home. You may also hear gnawing or even scratching noises in the attic of your home, in your ceilings, or even in the walls. If you have indoor pets, they may seem more agitated than normal, as they likely know the infestation is already in progress.

Outside, you may see additional signs of a problem. There may be gnawing marks around your home’s roof or even in the eaves. You might even see roof rats running on tree limbs or on the roof itself. If you have fruit trees in your yard, you might see hollow fruit on the ground, too.

If you see any of these signs, contact a pest control professional immediately, as roof rats multiply quickly. Female roof rats have up to three litters every single year, and each litter contains as many as eight babies.

Prevent Roof Rats

It can be tough to get rid of roof rats, which makes prevention the absolute best medicine. It only takes a hole the size of a quarter for a roof rat to come into your home. Keep in mind that their teeth are quite sharp, and they can chew through almost anything. If you see any potential roof rat entry points, use diamond mesh and caulk to seal them. Look carefully at your home. Those pipes that come in for water, cable, or phone lines may all provide easy access for roof rats. Be sure they’re carefully sealed. The same is true for wall cracks on the outside of your home. Fill them and seal them as soon as possible.

There are a few things you can do in the yard, as well, to make your home less attractive to roof rats. If you have fruit or nut trees, remove them as soon as possible. Keep your pet food sealed, and don’t leave it out overnight. Also, if you keep bird feeders in your yard, try not to feed the birds in any months when rats are active. Your garbage cans should have tight-fitting lids, too. If you have wood or brush piles on your lawn, remove it. If you keep it for firewood, store it neatly stacked and keep it at least 18 inches off of the ground. It should be several feet from your home, too. Thin your bushes and other vegetation so you can see through it. Roof rats love to nest in thick vegetation and keeping it thinner helps to eliminate natural nesting places.

If you’re dealing with this problem, contact Slug-A-Bug today because roof rats control is an absolute must. We handle roof rat removal every day, and we can help you prevent future infestation. To learn more about how we can help, contact us now.