There are things you can do to keep fire ants from thriving on your property. First, keep a watchful eye on the lawn. The real key is to take action at the first sign of a problem. The more often you look for indications of fire ants, the more effectively you can deal with them.

Fire ants tend to be active during the cooler months because they spend their time mating and moving around to develop new colonies. That’s a good time to be watching for new mounds.

Know your fire ants, too. Even if you think you see a mound, it’s important to remember that other creatures make similar mounds. Make certain you’re dealing with the right pest. Fire ant mounds are almost always in open, sunny areas. Look for ants coming in and out of the mound. They tend to be reddish-brown and are usually a quarter inch in length.

Once you determine that you actually have a fire ant problem, it’s time to contact a professional pest control service such as Slug-A-Bug. Ant baits and DIY sprays from the local hardware store aren’t going to be sufficient.

Call Slug-A-Bug at (321) 259-7844 for a free evaluation.