The new school year is rapidly approaching, but that doesn’t mean it’s over for summer pests. Here in Florida, ticks prove to be a nuisance all year long. It is important to be aware so we can properly protect our pets and family from irritating bites and tick-borne diseases.

There are several tick diseases in Florida, but that’s no reason to panic. According to the University of Florida, ticks must feed for several hours in order to transmit diseases. Quick identification and prompt removal reduces the risks, but if you develop a fever, headache, rash or muscle pain after a bite, please contact your physician.

There are a few things you can do to avoid harm.

If you live in a rural area, check your pets for ticks daily, removing them as soon as you notice them. To remove a tick, grasp it with tweezers as close to the skin’s surface as possible. Pull it straight out with a steady, even pressure.

When spending time in wooded areas or in tall grasses, keep clothing buttoned and tucked in. This includes tucking pants into boots. Wearing light-colored clothing is also a great way to spot ticks before they become a problem.

Always apply repellents to uncovered skin, and avoid touching plants in tick-infested areas.

In addition to protection, you can also focus on prevention. Keep ticks to a minimum in your yard by clearing brush along pathways and frequented areas. Landscape for tick-free zones and be sure to mow regularly.

For more help, the pest control and lawn specialists at Slug-A-Bug are here for you. Let us take care of the dirty work. Give us a call today at (321) 259-7844.