Keeping a lush, green lawn in Florida can be a challenge. Our hot summers are often brutal, but with the right care, it is possible to maintain a beautiful lawn all year long. There are a few tips you can follow to ensure your lawn stays as healthy as possible.


Proper watering is perhaps the most important factor in maintaining a green lawn. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently, rather than lightly and often. This encourages root growth, and makes the grass more resilient overall. A general recommendation is to water your lawn for 30 minutes three times a week.


Don’t forget to fertilize. Florida lawns benefit from regular fertilization. Try to fertilize four times a year with a balanced fertilizer. You might consider having a soil test done to diagnose the pH level of your soil, and adjust your fertilizers accordingly.


Installing an irrigation system is a great way to stay on top of your Florida lawn. This will ensure your lawn receives the right amount of water at the right time without fail. Just set it and forget it.


Aeration is not a common practice among homeowners, but it should be. Aeration is the process of perforating the soil with small holes to improve water, air, and nutrient penetration. It is not necessary to aerate regularly with our sandy, Florida soils. Every other year is perfectly acceptable.


Mowing correctly is a key factor in keeping your grass green, so keep your mower blades sharp, and research your grass type. There are proper mowing heights for different kinds of grasses. Identifying your ideal height will improve not just the appearance of your grass, but also the general health of your lawn.

Grass selection

Choosing the right grass will make or break any lawn. Look at key factors when selecting yours, such as the level of traffic and how much effort you are willing to put in to care for it. The most common grass used in Florida is St. Augustine, as it is well-adapted to the harsher climate. 

Pest control

Pests will wreak havoc on any lawn, so it’s important to keep yours treated. Pests like chinch bugs, mole crickets and grubs destroy the hard work we put in to keep our property beautiful. If you suspect a pest problem, it’s best to call on the professionals at Slug-A-Bug. We use only state-of-the art equipment, and the highest-quality, environmentally responsible materials to treat your lawn. We understand that you want a green, thick, healthy lawn, so that’s exactly what we work to provide. Call us today at (321) 259-7844.

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