A lush, healthy lawn offers a host of advantages, making it a valuable asset to any property. The most obvious is the aesthetic appeal it brings to your home, a welcoming ambiance for residents and visitors alike. But there are other less-obvious benefits you can derive by investing in lawn care. Here are a few of them:

Water management

The first of these is erosion prevention. A well-maintained lawn acts as a natural barrier, significantly reducing erosion caused by wind and water. All those miniscule roots hold the soil together, keeping it from washing away and creating layers of sediment elsewhere. A dense root system also helps absorb excess water, minimizing the risk of flooding in the surrounding area.

Air quality enhancement and cooling

Grass plays a crucial role in purifying the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen, contributing to a healthier ecosystem. According to one report, a lawn of 625 square feet puts out enough oxygen to sustain one person for a full day. (That’s right: Your yard helps you stay alive!) 

During Florida’s hot weather, the evaporation of moisture from the grass blades generates a cooling effect, making the surrounding area more comfortable for outdoor activities. This is especially important in urban areas, where concrete and asphalt radiate heat on sunny days.

Noise reduction

One often-overlooked benefit of a lush lawn is its noise-dampening quality. The soft texture of grass absorbs sound, reducing noise pollution and creating a more serene outdoor environment. 

Nitrogen regulation

Lawns can also play a role in controlling runoff of nitrogen into the Indian River lagoon. St. Augustine grass, a common choice for lawns in Florida, possesses remarkable capabilities to absorb nitrogen. When fertilized properly, this grass variety uses the nitrogen efficiently, preventing its accumulation in the soil and subsequent runoff into the lagoon.

A dense lawn also acts as a natural barrier against rainwater runoff. Healthy roots of St. Augustine grass hold soil in place, minimizing erosion and minimizing nitrogen-laden runoff.

A good way to help achieve a healthy lawn like this is to enlist the help of Slug-A-Bug. You can count on us to apply the proper levels of fertilization that help keep our waterways safe. As your Brevard County lawn experts, Slug-A-Bug can help you realize the benefits listed above. Call us at (321) 259-7844 for a free, no-obligation consultation.